Almost a year and in few days we'll be entering 2025. In my last post, I mentioned that I failed my final exam, correct? I assume that you can guess from the picture above? So here is the story...
24/04/2024 - Repeating my exam (Professional exams III)
09/05/2024 - The results are out (Alhamdulillah passed this time)
07/12/2024 - Date of my convocation.
Alhamdulillah to His grace and mercy. I actually suffered quite a lot during my finals. To the extend that I was bedridden for more than 3 months due to fever and chronic cough. All I could do at that time was cry at night, calling upon Allah's name for help. I'm utterly hopeless and yes everything started during my exam week, on the very last week to be exact. Where I had to meet and assess patients as part of the examination. It was a tough time, but again, He helped me all the way through until the very end. Subhanallah. Now here I am, finally achieving the title my dad has long hoped to see from his children.
-Don't lose hope, for fate can bring good surprises-
Aku beli gubahan bunga crochet, hadiah untuk diri sendiri. Pada masa yang sama tak nak berharap yang ahli keluarga yang datang nanti akan belikan bunga untuk aku. Cuma... entah tiba-tiba pada hari kejadian ada tiga bouquet bunga hidup dengan 'Cekelat Perero' dah pun selamat bergambar sekali. Masalahnya datang kemudian. Aku tak ada pengalaman dapat bouquet bunga hidup. Jadinya...
"Angah!!! The flowers dying! Help them!!!!"